Vol. 6 No. 3 (2003): Noviembre
SQN 411 bloco E apartamento 101. Brasilia-Brasil
December 22, 2024
Based on the theoretical framework APOS I show a mental constructions - scheme that undergraduate students may to present when trying to understand the inequality subject. The inequalities are present in a lot of areas like math, engineer and economy, but only part of students and of teachers have been able to fully understand such concept. The treatment given to this matter has not proven effective. Its study involves many notions that must be coordinated coherently like: number real framework, factorization, functions, function roots, 1-1 real correspondence with coordinate line, equations, graphs analysis of function, implication and equivalence relations as well as others. With basis in this scheme presented here it will be possible to elaborate a methodology that will improve the teaching and learning of inequalities.
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