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Vol. 14 No. 1 (2011): Marzo


December 17, 2023


At the present time, the information and communication technologies (ICT) are an integral part of the everyday life of societies, and therefore it is necessary that they are given greater importance within the school context. This work establishes the following goals: getting to know the training received in this area by math high school teachers in Portugal, identifying the main digital resouces used by them, and discovering the benefits and limitations attributed to the use of ICTs. The study is located in a qualitative perspective, using the technique of interviews, with the participation of eighteen teachers. The main findings show that the teachers make very little use of digital resources. While recognizing the benefits of integrating ICTs into the teaching and learning of mathematics in terms of communication, graphical representation, gathering of information, development of calculus and motivation, they point out the following limitations, time constraints, lack of equipment and/or technical support, the difficulty of managing students on the Internet and the fact that they do not have had enough training.


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