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Special Article

Vol. 13 No. 4(II) (2010): Número Especial /Diciembre


December 21, 2023


The purpose of this article is to show the research work, with the collaboration of several partners, we have been doing during the past years. The main problem that we have been researching it is about the performance of the context involved in the construction of the mathematical objects meaning process, even at the beginning and development of the object though in its learning on an educational institution, in which case, our interest is to establish a relationship between the teaching context and the meanings that the students assign to mathematical objects. The theoretical framework that we have been using upon this researches it is conformed by premises taken basically from two theoretical framework, the first one is the Ontosemiotic Approach of the Mathematical Cognition, developed by Professor Juan D. Godino and collaborators; the other one is Mirza I. Majmutov' s Problematic Teaching.


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