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Special Article

Vol. 17 No. 4(II) (2014): Diciembre


July 5, 2023


Inspired by the work of Jahnke, we considered in Tanguay & Geeraerts (2012) the geometer - physicist paradigm, and expounded how it can be used to promote classroom practices and activities allowing a more harmonious transition between GI and GII (Houdement & Kuzniak, 2006), especially by reconsidering the status of the axioms and the role of measurement. A concrete plan of action is presented, by virtue of, among others, a structured system of study cards made by the class; all this integrated in a working space customized for the demonstration. The way measurement is rehabilitated as a validating process allows a reassessment of truth stakes so that the issues of measurement reliability, of exactness versus approximation, of theory versus empiricism are explicitly taken into account and ‘problematized’. We examine in what way this issue can be fully taken into consideration by the class. We propose that the problem of graphical precision linked to the exactness of measurement provided by DGSs should be explicitly tackled.


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