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Vol. 22 No. 1 (2019): March


November 5, 2022


School mathematical activity takes place in complex interpretive environments conditioned by the understanding of its protagonists. With the intention of contributing to the clarification of the processes involved in such environments, in this work we explore different questions that affect the interpretation of understanding in mathematics. In this previous tour we find the justification to suggest an integrating proposal with which to access in an operational way the mathematical understanding of the students. We support this proposal by configuring the theoretical and methodological bases of what we call the hermeneutic circle of understanding in mathematics. We also evidence the methodological potential of this interpretive circle, by applying it in a case study in the field of divisibility of natural numbers. In this episode we obtain favorable results to recognize that the hermeneutic circle can be useful in practice to interpret the understanding involved in the mathematical activity of schoolchildren.


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