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Vol. 25 No. 3 (2022): November


June 21, 2023


This paper describes the design, implementation and results of a formative action with 61 students for primary education teachers, oriented to the development of the competence of analysis of the didactic suitability of educational videos about percentages. The a priori analysis of the video made by the researchers revealed important deficiencies in the different facets of didactic suitability, being especially relevant those detected in the epistemic dimension. Most of the students for teacher made quite relevant global assessments of the didactic suitability (70.49% considered it between low and medium) basing their judgment on the precision or degree of fulfillmen t of the suitability indicators in the different components. However, although the suggestions for improvement indicated are quite timely, not all students who identify weaknesses in the videos are able to explicitly make changes to the resource.


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