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Special Article

Vol. 17 No. 4(II) (2014): Diciembre


July 5, 2023


This collaboration shows the enlightenment offered by the geometrical working spaces (GWS’s) model in the conception and validation of the intelligent tutorial system geogebraTUTOR (GGBT). Conceived to be used by high school students, this system is designed for the development of geometrical thought in a context issuing trial problem solving in Euclidian geometry. The paper presents initially the theoretical foundations that support he GGBT development, where the GWS’s act as a conceptual carrefour. At the very heart of our proposal, the validation of an improved GGBT version is carried out verifying the suitableness of the working space generated by the use of the tutorial system. This validation phase, inserted on a series of investigation and development stages, aims to the observation and analysis of the student’s work as a geometer in training. The experimental results come from Quebecois students undergoing the 2 grade of high school (between 14 and 17 years).


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