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Vol. 4 No. 3 (2001): Noviembre


December 30, 2024


The purpose of this work among high-school students was to do research into the use and conceptions associated with the comparison of order between the coordinates of dots over the plane, in order to better understand the process of grafication in the cartesian plane, seen from a semeiotic point of view in the R. Duval sense. Questionnaries were completed among students averaging 17 years old. The results indicated the conflict between the practical meaning of the size or amount associated with the numbers bearing signs. The proposed tasks can be solved through a figural or numeric strategy. In both, the conflict may be solved through the suppres- sion of the sign, and therefore through the orientation in the plane. The graphication that is supported in the dotting is not enough to have a well oriented global vision on the plane, as it leaves the problems of interpretation on the graphic, unresolved. We find that the comparison or order between the coordenates of the dots is not an homogenous work, it frequently depends on the position of the dots within the different quadrants, therefore, of the interpretation and orientation within the plane and/or of e value of the numbers associated to the coordenates.


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