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Vol. 24 No. 3 (2021): November


November 7, 2022


In the APOE (Action, Process, Object, Scheme) theory, the design of a genetic decomposition is the result of Theoretical Analysis (first component of the theory's research cycle) where textbook analysis is one of the elements to be considered. However, as of the date of this report, there are no publications that explain how to carry out the analysis of textbooks and the process behind the construction of a genetic decomposition. In this paper, the criteria proposed by Campos (2017) are used to analyze three linear algebra textbooks, specifically in relation to the concept of eigenvalue and eigenvector together with a methodology that accounts for the design of a preliminary genetic decomposition for the concept of eigenvalue and eigenvector on linear operators considering: the input of textbook analysis, existing research reports and the experience of researchers as teachers and students


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