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Vol. 21 No. 3 (2018): November


November 4, 2022


The study of mathematical knowledge in different contexts acquires relevance due to the current interest in students being able to use mathematics in solving real problems. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to characterize the knowledge put to use, in the measurement of inaccessible distances, in the work Elucidatio Fabricae Ususque Astrolabii by Johann Stöffler, published in 1513. The theoretical model used considers the study of the constitution of knowledge through the analysis of its genesis, development and transversality. The results reveal, in the analyzed work, an episteme of the measurement of inaccessible distances that includes both the search for a convenient reason to carry out the measurement, as well as the dynamic analysis of the behavior of shadows or visual rays in the estimation of inclinations. This episteme is decisive for the understanding of this mathematical knowledge in problem solving.


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