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Vol. 17 No. 1 (2014): Marzo


  • Gilberto Obando Z
  • Carlos Eduardo Vasco
  • Luis Carlos Arboleda
July 12, 2023


Ratio, proportion and proportionality are a field that has been the object of a wide research in the last fifty years. Recent evaluations show that, for most students, it is still difficult to learn these objects of knowledge, which is an actual indicator that more didactic research should be made in order to come up with new ways to understand these problem areas. This way, it could have a great impact on the educational system. In this article, we revise and we make comments on some of the recent research on ratio, proportion and proportionality. According to an analysis perspective, we classify them into three groups: the cognitive and the epistemic perspective, and the semiotic-anthropological one. We finally pose some problems of research for the conclusion.



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