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Vol. 12 No. 3 (2009): Noviembre

Towards a new paradigm in teaching calculus at an educational institution

May 15, 2024


Studies by renowned investigators on the problematic of teaching and learning calculus enable us to recognize the traditional teaching paradigm that has been practiced in the educative institution to which we belong. The revision of diverse articles on teaching alternatives suggests tendencies in the way changes are proposed; some only affect the teaching method, others consider the content to be taught. We observe that resorting to the history of the genesis of knowledge has permitted the identification of a variable in the mathematical content of the curriculum which influences the acquisition of the notions and procedures of calculus. At some point, the what to teach becomes part of how to teach and from there mathematics activity takes on a didactic sense in the classroom. In the framework of the socio-epistemological approach we find the emergence of a proposal for the teaching of calculus, which implementation in the educative institution in question is based on research.


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