Author Biography
He born in Mexico City, completed his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Psychology of the national university (UNAM). In 1975 he continued his training in England, where he attended the Sociology Advance Level at Bradford Technical College and the Foundation Year Course in Sociology at the Open University of Leeds. In 1979 he returned to England to do his master's degree in Educational Psychology at the University of Leicester. In 1997 he received the Doctor of Education degree with honorable mention in the Interinstitutional Program (SEP-ANUIES-CONACYT), coordinated by the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. In 2003, as part of his specialization, he made a research stay at the University of Salamanca (Spain), in 2010 at the University of California, San Diego campus (UCSD), and in 2018 at Harvard University.
In 1971 he began his work as a research assistant at the Faculty of Psychology of the UNAM. In 1976 he entered in, then, the National School of Professional Studies Iztacala, exercising teaching and research in Educational Psychology. Since 1984, he joined the Research and Postgraduate Division of the Faculty of Higher Studies Iztacala (FES Iztacala), where he has completed and published more than 150 papers and has 12 registered technological developments. He has participated exposing his works in about 220 national academic events and 60 international. He belongs to twelve academic societies, and has participated in multiple collegiate bodies of evaluation and consultancy.
He has given courses by invitation in different institutions, such as the Autonomous University of Baja California, the Ministry of Education of the state of Michoacán, the Higher Institute of Sciences of Education of the Mexico State, the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, the Technological Institute and of Higher Studies of Monterrey, and the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, among others.
Among some positions and acknowledgments, are President of the College of Psychology. Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies. Coordinator of Advisors of the Sub-Secretary of Basic Education of the SEP. Member of the Research Advisory Council of Mexico State. Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Support Program for Research and Technological Innovation Projects (PAPIIT). Member of the Governing Board of the National Institute of Pediatrics. Director of the Faculty of Higher Studies Iztacala (1995-1999 / 1999-2003). Member of the portfolio of evaluators of the National Council of Science and Technology - CONACYT. President of the Technical Council of the National Examination of Higher Education Entrance (EXANI I of the National Center for the Evaluation of Higher Education CENEVAL). Member of the Academic Committee of the Master's Program and Doctorate in Psychology of the UNAM. General Secretary of the Mexican Educational Research Council (COMIE). Member of the National University Award Jury. Technical Advisor of the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education (INEE).
Currently, he works at the Faculty of Higher Studies Iztacala at UNAM as full-time Professor "C" (highest academic level), PRIDE D (highest level of productivity). He is Head of the Psycho-Educational Research Project. He belongs to the National System of Investigators since 1987, is a member of the Board of Government of the UNAM and Secretary of the Board of directors of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.