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Vol. 25 No. 1 (2022): March


November 8, 2022


This article presents the results of an investigation based on the process of reflection on school mathematics of a secondary school teacher. For this, a theoretical model of three components articulated with the Socio-epistemological Theory was configured. Specifically, it exposes how the process happens: what and how awareness is raised, what knowledge is built and what is transformed. For the analysis we consider a category of meanings and another on the forms of argumentation related to direct proportionality; Such categories allowed us to understand the state of the teacher's knowledge at the beginning and at the end of the reflective process. Among the results we have that the reflection of school proportionality gives evidence that the change in relation to this mathematical knowledge promotes awareness of a responsibility for mathematical training and the development of autonomy over mathematical knowledge (both related to proportionality). , two aspects that characterize teacher professionalization in mathematics.


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