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Vol. 12 No. 3 (2009): Noviembre


May 15, 2024


Prospective mathematics teachers often have learned mathematics through situations quite different from current curriculum recommendations. Such is the case of Fábio, who, at the beginning of his practicum, proposes mostly exercises and uses work at the blackboard. Assuming that didactical knowledge is reformulated from practice, this article analyzes the influence of a teacher education setting based on ICT (e-mail and forum) in developing aspects of such knowledge - tasks proposed and ways of using technological materials. The qualitative and interpretative case study of this prospective teacher is based in interviews and in the analysis of the documentation generated in the teacher education setting. The results show that ICT enabled sharing and discussing classroom experiences and joint work with other prospective teachers, supervisor and mentor. Besides exercises, this prospective teacher begun proposing students tasks more open and challenging as well as the exploration of technological materials. His reflections regarding the tasks and the ways to use the technological materials in his classes contributed to enlarge his didactical knowledge and to regard his own practice as learning setting.


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