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Vol. 27 No. 1 (2024): Marzo


June 28, 2024


The aim of this article is to analyse how training in statistical and probability education for pre-service teachers of early childhood and primary education is developed in Spanish public universities. For this purpose, the previously validated Statistical and Probabilistic Education Questionnaire for Pre-service Teachers has been administered to 43 trainers. The results show: 1) 1 and 2 credits out of 240 (0.4% and 0.8%) are devoted to the early childhood and primary school degrees, respectively.; 2) the perspective is mainly pedagogical, addressing both mathematical and didactic knowledge; 3) although various methodologies coexist, the application of pedagogical knowledge (design of tasks, etc.) stands out in both degrees. It is concluded that these findings provide an in-depth overview to plan improvement proposals to ensure a solid training during initial teacher training in Spain.


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