Vol. 10 No. 1 (2007): Marzo
Centro de Investigación en Matemática Educativa Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero México
Centro de Investigación en Matemática Educativa Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero México
September 8, 2024
In this paper we present a qualitative research, in which we explore what readings or interpretations are done by the students of elementary school on the graphs that are shared socially; it is to say, those used by the means of information and that are directed wide social sectors. The graphs put in the scene of the reading are referred to population, financial subject matters and one to the mathematical context. This work, which involved to students of elementary school, allowed us to detect interpretations in which the most of the students identify what changes (the variables), they do reading of data by data or point by point (according to it corresponds), favoring to the maximums and minimums, they make qualitative descriptions of how it changes something, adducing that rises or low. Nevertheless, they do not establish covariationals relations; they do not calculate how much they change to the variables nor note that use the change reasons. The evidences indicate, in addition, a little knowledge on the meaning of the social concepts represented in the graphs.
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